fitlog.fastgit.committer 源代码

import os
import sys
import shutil
import configparser
from datetime import datetime
import time
from typing import List, Union
from git import Repo

_commit_flag = '-------commit-------\n'
_system_flag = '-------system-------\n'
_arguments_flag = '------arguments-----\n'

gitignore_list = [

[文档]class Commit(list): """Commit 是一个有两个元素的 list,第一个元素是commit-id,第二个元素是commit-message :param commit_id: 本次 commit 的 commit-id :param msg: 本次 commit 的 commit-message :return: """ def __init__(self, commit_id: str, msg: str): list.__init__(self) self.append(commit_id) self.append(msg)
[文档]class Info(dict): """Info 是一个dict,有 status 和 msg 两个字段, 用于给返回信息加上状态码 :param status: 状态码,0表示没有错误 :param msg: 返回信息 :return: """ def __init__(self, status: int, msg: Union[str, Commit, List[str], List[Commit]]): dict.__init__(self) self["status"] = status self["msg"] = msg
def _colored_string(string: str, color: str or int) -> str: """在终端中显示一串有颜色的文字 :param string: 在终端中显示的文字 :param color: 文字的颜色 :return: """ if isinstance(color, str): color = { "black": 30, "red": 31, "green": 32, "yellow": 33, "blue": 34, "purple": 35, "cyan": 36, "white": 37 }[color] return "\033[%dm%s\033[0m" % (color, string)
[文档]class Committer: """ 用于自动 commit 的类,fastgit子模块使用此类实现单例模式。实例化后的对象会记录工作目录,配置文件路径等信息。 对外只暴露有用的接口,内部处理函数的文档请在代码中查看。 """ def __init__(self): self.work_dir = None self.config_file_path = None self.watched_rules = [] # 记录被监控文件的规则 self.commits = [] # 自动 commit 的历史记录 self.last_commit = None # 上一次 commit 的历史记录 def _find_config_file(self, run_file_path: str = None, cli: bool = True) -> str: """ :param run_file_path: 执行 commit 操作文件的目录 :param cli: 是否在命令行内执行。如果在命令行中执行,则对用户进行提示 :return: 返回 work_dir ,同时在 self.config_file_path 中存储配置文件路径 """ config_file_name = '.fitconfig' if run_file_path is None: path = os.getcwd() else: path = os.path.abspath(run_file_path) home_path = os.path.expanduser('~') root_path = os.path.abspath("/") depth_cnt = 0 max_depth = 8 while 1: depth_cnt += 1 if max_depth == depth_cnt: if cli: print(_colored_string("Folder depth out of limitation (max_depth=8).", "red")) print(_colored_string("Can not find the config file '{}'".format(config_file_name), "red")) return "Error" if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, config_file_name)): self.config_file_path = os.path.join(path, config_file_name) self.work_dir = path return path if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, ".fitlog", config_file_name)): self.config_file_path = os.path.join(path, ".fitlog", config_file_name) self.work_dir = path return path if path == home_path or path == root_path: if cli: print(_colored_string("Reach the root directory or home directory.", "red")) print(_colored_string("Can not find the config file '{}'".format(config_file_name), "red")) return "Error" path = os.path.dirname(path) def _read_config(self): """在获取配置文件路径后,读取其中的配置。采取保守策略,遇到错误自动跳过。 :return: """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.config = config if 'fit_settings' in config: if 'watched_rules' in config['fit_settings']: tmp = config['fit_settings']['watched_rules'] self.watched_rules = [each.strip() for each in tmp.split(',') if len(each) > 1] @staticmethod def _get_path_names(work_dir: str): fitlog_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ".fitlog") git_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ".git") git_backup_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ".git_backup") gitignore_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ".gitignore") gitignore_backup_path = os.path.join(work_dir, ".gitignore_backup") return fitlog_path, git_path, git_backup_path, gitignore_path, gitignore_backup_path @staticmethod def _switch_to_fast_git(work_dir: str): """将工作目录从通常的 git 模式切换成 fastgit 模式 :param work_dir: 工作目录的绝对路径 """ fitlog_path, git_path, git_backup_path, gitignore_path, gitignore_backup_path = Committer._get_path_names( work_dir) if os.path.exists(git_path): shutil.move(git_path, git_backup_path) if os.path.isfile(gitignore_path): shutil.move(gitignore_path, gitignore_backup_path) if os.path.exists(fitlog_path): shutil.move(fitlog_path, git_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(git_path, ".gitignore")): # 使用 .fitlog 下的 .gitignore shutil.move(os.path.join(git_path, ".gitignore"), work_dir) @staticmethod def _switch_to_standard_git(work_dir: str): """将工作目录从 fastgit 模式切换成通常的 git 模式 :param work_dir: 工作目录的绝对路径 """ fitlog_path, git_path, git_backup_path, gitignore_path, gitignore_backup_path = Committer._get_path_names( work_dir) if os.path.exists(git_path): shutil.move(git_path, fitlog_path) if os.path.exists(gitignore_path): # 把 .gitignore 移动到 .fitlog 下 shutil.move(gitignore_path, os.path.join(fitlog_path, "")) if os.path.exists(git_backup_path): shutil.move(git_backup_path, git_path) if os.path.isfile(gitignore_backup_path): shutil.move(gitignore_backup_path, gitignore_path) @staticmethod def _check_directory(work_dir: str, fix: bool = False, wait: bool = False) -> bool: """检查指定目录是否已经存在 fitlog 项目,同时会修复可能错误的存在 :param work_dir: 工作目录的绝对路径 :param fix: 是否进行自动修复,用于 fitlog init 模式 :param wait: 是否等待其它使用 fitlog 的程序,用于 commit 前的检查 :return: 返回是否存在 fitlog 项目 """ fitlog_path, git_path, git_backup_path, gitignore_path, gitignore_backup_path = Committer._get_path_names( work_dir) if os.path.exists(fitlog_path) or os.path.exists(git_backup_path): # 存在 .fitlog 或者存在 .git 变成的 .git_backup if fix: if os.path.exists(fitlog_path) and os.path.exists(git_backup_path): # 把 .git_backup 恢复成 .git shutil.move(git_backup_path, git_path) elif os.path.exists(git_path) and os.path.exists(git_backup_path): # 先把 .git 变成 .fitlog , 再把 .git_backup 恢复成 .git shutil.move(git_path, fitlog_path) shutil.move(git_backup_path, git_path) if os.path.isfile(gitignore_backup_path): # 如果存在 .gitignore_backup , 就恢复成 .gitignore shutil.move(gitignore_backup_path, gitignore_path) print(_colored_string("Fitlog project has been initialized. ", "blue")) elif wait: WAITING_TIME = 30 WAITING_ROUND = 10 for i in range(WAITING_ROUND): try: git_modified_time = os.path.getmtime(git_backup_path) except: git_modified_time = time.time() cnt = WAITING_TIME while cnt > 0: # 如果不存在 .fitlog_path 或 存在 .git_backup 则等待 30s(可能是其它程序在 commit) if not os.path.exists(git_backup_path) and os.path.exists(fitlog_path): return True time.sleep(1) cnt -= 1 # 如果 30s 内 .git_backup 文件夹有更新过,则继续等待 try: git_modified_time_2 = os.path.getmtime(git_backup_path) except: git_modified_time_2 = time.time() if git_modified_time_2 == git_modified_time: print( _colored_string( "After {} seconds waiting, it fails to automatically commit.".format(WAITING_TIME), "red" ) ) raise RuntimeError("After {} seconds waiting, it fails to automatically commit.".format( WAITING_TIME)) print( _colored_string( "It seems like other fitlog is trying to auto-commit too " "(If there is no other fitlog running, this is a bug)" ", will wait another {} seconds.".format((WAITING_ROUND - i - 1) * WAITING_TIME), 'blue' ) ) print( _colored_string("After {} seconds waiting, it fails to automatically commit.".format( WAITING_TIME * WAITING_ROUND), "red") ) raise RuntimeError("After {} seconds waiting, it fails to automatically commit.".format( WAITING_TIME * WAITING_ROUND)) return True else: # 如果都不存在,则认为 fitlog 项目文件夹损坏 if wait: print(_colored_string(".fitlog folder is not found", "red")) return False def _commit(self, commit_message: str) -> None: """使用 fitlog 进行自动 commit, 只加入符合规则的文件 :param commit_message: fitlog 自动 commit 的 log """ if len(self.watched_rules) == 0: self.watched_rules.append(["*.py"]) try: text = open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, ".gitignore"), "r").read() if text.startswith("\n".join(gitignore_list)) or text.startswith(".git_backup"): flag = True else: flag = False except : flag = True if flag: with open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, ".gitignore"), "w") as fout: fout.write("\n".join(gitignore_list + ["!" + r for r in self.watched_rules])) else: raise RuntimeError("Fitlog's .gitignore is damaged or mixed with your own .gitignore.") repo = Repo(self.work_dir) repo.git.add(self.work_dir) if repo.is_dirty(): repo.git.commit('-m', commit_message) def _save_log(self, logs: List[str]): """ 将要存储的信息存储到默认的 fitlog :param logs: 要存储的信息 :return: """ with open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, ".fitlog", "fit_logs"), "a", encoding='utf8') as file_out: file_out.writelines(logs) def _get_commits(self, cli: bool = False) -> Info: """从项目目录下的记录获取 fastgit 的所有 commit-id :param cli: 是否在命令行内执行。如果在命令行中执行,则对用户进行提示 :return: 返回带状态码的信息。如果成功,信息为 fastgit 的所有 commit-id 的数组 """ if cli: work_dir = os.path.abspath('.') else: if self.work_dir is None: return Info(1, "Error: Have not set the work directory") work_dir = self.work_dir try: master = os.path.join(work_dir, *"/.fitlog/logs/refs/heads/master".split('/')) with open(master, "r", encoding='utf8') as fin: lines = fin.readlines() commit_ids = [] for line in lines: commit_ids.append(line.split()[1]) return Info(0, commit_ids) except FileNotFoundError: return Info(1, "Error: Some error occurs") def _get_last_commit(self, cli: bool = False) -> Info: """从项目目录下的记录获取 fastgit 的上一次 commit-id :param cli: 是否在命令行内执行。如果在命令行中执行,则对用户进行提示 :return: 返回带状态码的信息。如果成功,信息为 fastgit 的上一次 commit-id """ info = self._get_commits(cli) if info["status"] == 1: return Info(1, "Error: Not a git repository (or no commit)") else: commit_ids = info["msg"] if len(commit_ids) >= 1: return Info(0, commit_ids[-1]) else: return Info(1, "Error: Not a git repository (or no commit)") def _revert(self, commit_id: str, path: str = None, cli: bool = False, id_suffix: bool = False) -> Info: """回退 fastgit 的一个目标版本到指定放置路径 :param commit_id: 回退版本的 commit-id :param path: 回退版本的指定放置路径 :param cli: 是否在命令行内执行。如果在命令行中执行,则对用户进行提示 :param id_suffix: 回退版本的放置文件夹是否包含 commit-id 做为后缀 :return: 返回带状态码的信息。如果成功,信息为回退版本的放置路径 """ if cli: work_dir = os.path.abspath('.') else: if self.work_dir is None: return Info(1, "Error: Have not set the work directory") work_dir = self.work_dir if len(commit_id) < 6: if cli: print(_colored_string("Commit-id's length is at least 6", "red")) return Info(1, "Error: Commit-id's length is at least 6") if self._check_directory(work_dir): commit_ids = self._get_commits(cli=cli)['msg'] flag = False for full_commit_id in commit_ids: if full_commit_id.startswith(commit_id): flag = True commit_id = full_commit_id break if not flag: if cli: print(_colored_string('Can not find the commit %s' % commit_id, 'red')) return Info(1, 'Error: Can not find the commit %s' % commit_id) else: if path is None: path = work_dir + "_revert" else: path = os.path.abspath(path) if id_suffix: path += "_" + commit_id[:6] if os.path.abspath(path).startswith(os.path.join(work_dir, "")): if cli: print(_colored_string("The <path> can't in your project directory.", "red")) return Info(1, "Error: The <path> can't in your project directory.") core_path = os.path.join(path, ".fitlog") if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(path) shutil.rmtree(core_path, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(work_dir, ".fitlog"), core_path) self._switch_to_fast_git(path) repo = Repo(path) repo.head.reset(commit=commit_id, working_tree=True) if cli: print("Your code is reverted to " + _colored_string(path, "green")) return Info(0, path) else: if cli: print(_colored_string('Not in a fitlog directory', 'red')) return Info(1, "Error: Not in a fitlog directory") # 对用户暴露的接口
[文档] def commit(self, file: str, commit_message: str = None) -> Info: """用户用该方法进行 commit :param file: 执行文件路径,期望传入用户程序中的 __file__ :param commit_message: 自动 commit 的 commit-message :return: 返回带状态码的信息。如果成功,信息为 commit-id """ if commit_message is None: commit_message = "Commit by fitlog" if self.config_file_path is None: # 第一次执行 commit self._find_config_file(file) if self.config_file_path is None: return Info(1, "Error: Config file is not found") self._read_config() # 后续执行 commit flag = self._check_directory(self.work_dir, wait=True) if not flag: return Info(1, "Error: Fitlog project is damaged") logs = [_arguments_flag, "Run ", " ".join(sys.argv), "\n"] logs += [_system_flag] self._switch_to_fast_git(self.work_dir) try: self._commit(commit_message) print(_colored_string(f'Auto commit by fitlog', 'blue')) except BaseException as e: print(_colored_string('Some error occurs during committing.', 'red')) self._switch_to_standard_git(self.work_dir) raise e self._switch_to_standard_git(self.work_dir) commit_id = self._get_last_commit()['msg'] self.last_commit = Commit(commit_id, commit_message) self.commits.append(self.last_commit) logs = [commit_id, '\n'] + logs logs = ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "\n"] + logs logs = [_commit_flag] + logs self._save_log(logs + ['\n\n']) return Info(0, commit_id)
# 对包内组件暴露的接口
[文档] def get_config(self, run_file_path: str = None) -> Info: """通过执行文件的路径获取配置信息 :param run_file_path: 执行文件的路径 :return: 返回带状态码的信息。如果成功,信息为工作目录的路径 """ self._find_config_file(run_file_path, cli=False) if self.config_file_path is None: return Info(1, "Error: Config file is not found") self._read_config() return Info(0, self.work_dir)
[文档] def fitlog_last_commit(self) -> Commit: """返回 self.last_commit 中记录的上一次的commit :return: Commit是一个元组,第一个参数为 commit-id,第二个参数为 commit-message """ return self.last_commit
[文档] def fitlog_commits(self) -> List[Commit]: """返回 self.commits 中记录的所有的commit :return: 返回一个 Commit 类型的数组 """ return self.commits
@staticmethod def _read_id_from_file(path: str) -> Info: with open(path, "r", encoding='utf8') as fin: lines = fin.readlines() cuts = lines[-1].strip().split() msg = "\t" for each in cuts: if msg[0] != "\t": msg += each + " " if each.startswith("commit"): msg = " " return Info(0, Commit(cuts[1], msg.strip()))
[文档] @staticmethod def git_last_commit_info(work_dir: str) -> Info: """获取 work_dir 或其祖其先目录上标准 git 的上一次 commit 的信息 :param work_dir: 工作目录的路径 :return: 返回带状态码的信息。如果成功,信息为一个 Commit 类型的 commit 信息 """ if work_dir is None: work_dir = '.' work_dir = os.path.abspath(work_dir) try: max_step = 10 step = 0 while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(work_dir, '.git')): work_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, '..') if step > max_step or work_dir == os.path.abspath(os.sep): break step += 1 master = os.path.join(work_dir, *"/.git/logs/refs/heads/master".split('/')) return Committer._read_id_from_file(master) except FileNotFoundError: return Info(1, "Error: Some error occurs")
[文档] @staticmethod def fit_last_commit_info(work_dir: str) -> Info: """获取 work_dir 或其祖其先目录上 fitlog 的上一次 commit 信息 :param work_dir: 工作目录的路径 :return: 返回带状态码的信息。如果成功,信息为一个 Commit 类型的 commit 信息 """ if work_dir is None: work_dir = '.' work_dir = os.path.abspath(work_dir) try: master = os.path.join(work_dir, *"/.fitlog/logs/refs/heads/master".split('/')) return Committer._read_id_from_file(master) except FileNotFoundError: return Info(1, "Error: Some error occurs")
# 命令行操作所需的组件
[文档] def revert_to_directory(self, commit_id: str, path: str, id_suffix: bool): """命令行用来回退 fastgit 的一个目标版本到指定放置路径 :param commit_id: 回退版本的 commit-id :param path: 回退版本的指定放置路径 :param id_suffix: 回退版本的放置文件夹是否包含 commit-id 做为后缀 :return: """ self._revert(commit_id, path, cli=True, id_suffix=id_suffix)
[文档] def init_project(self, pj_name: str, version: str = "normal", hide: bool = False, git: bool = True) -> int: """命令行用来初始化一个 fitlog 项目 :param pj_name: 项目名称 :param version: 项目初始化文件夹的版本,目前只有 normal 这一种 :param hide: 是否隐藏 .fitconfig 文件到 .fitlog 文件夹中 :param git: 是否在初始化 fitlog 的同时为项目初始化 git :return: 状态码。0表示正常完成,其它错误码与系统相关 """ if pj_name == '.': pj_path = os.path.realpath('.') else: pj_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath('.'), pj_name) # 如果没有项目目录,则创建 if not os.path.exists(pj_path): os.makedirs(pj_path, exist_ok=True) # 如果已有 fitlog 项目,则检查是否需要修复 if self._check_directory(pj_path, fix=True): return 0 # 如果已有 git 项目,则切换模式 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pj_path, ".git")) or os.path.exists(os.path.join(pj_path, ".gitignore")): self._switch_to_fast_git(pj_path) tools_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)[:-len("")] + version if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pj_path, "logs")): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(tools_path, "logs"), os.path.join(pj_path, "logs")) elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pj_path, "logs", "default.cfg")): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tools_path, "logs", "default.cfg"), os.path.join(pj_path, "logs")) for file in [".fitconfig", ".gitignore", "main"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pj_path, file)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tools_path, file), pj_path) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pj_path, "")): shutil.move(os.path.join(pj_path, "main"), os.path.join(pj_path, "")) else: os.remove(os.path.join(pj_path, "main")) Repo.init(path=pj_path) if hide: shutil.move(os.path.join(pj_path, ".fitconfig"), os.path.join(pj_path, ".git", "")) self._switch_to_standard_git(pj_path) # 以上完成 fitlog 的初始化,切换模式 self.commit(os.path.join(pj_path, ""), "Project initialized.") # 新建普通的 git if git: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pj_path, ".git")): Repo.init(path=pj_path) # 添加 ignore 的内容 if hide: write_text = ".fitlog\nlogs\n" else: write_text = ".fitlog\n.fitconfig\nlogs\n" gitignore_path = os.path.join(pj_path, '.gitignore') if os.path.exists(gitignore_path): open(gitignore_path, 'a', encoding='utf8').write("\n" + write_text) else: open(gitignore_path, 'w', encoding='utf8').write(write_text) print(_colored_string("Fitlog project %s is initialized." % pj_name, "green")) return 0
[文档] def short_logs(self, show_now: bool = False, last_num: int = None): """在命令行用来查看 fastgit 的自带 logs :param show_now: 是否显示当前版本在 logs 中的位置 :param last_num: 显示最近的 {last_num} 条记录 :return: """ head_id, log = None, None if self._check_directory(os.path.abspath('.')): try: if show_now: head_id = self._get_last_commit()["msg"] with open(os.path.join('.fitlog', 'fit_logs'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fin: lines = fin.readlines() cnt = 0 show_logs = [] for line in lines: if line == _commit_flag: cnt = 0 elif cnt == 1: log = ["date&time " + line] elif cnt == 2: if show_now and line.strip() == head_id: log.append("commit_id " + _colored_string(line, "green")) else: log.append("commit_id " + line) elif cnt == 4: log.append("arguments " + line) show_logs.append(log) cnt += 1 if last_num is not None: try: if int(last_num) < len(show_logs): show_logs = show_logs[-int(last_num):] except ValueError: print(_colored_string("<last_num> must be an integer.", 'red')) show = [] for log in show_logs: for each in log: show.append(each) show.append("\n") print("".join(show)) if show_now: print(_colored_string('Head is ' + head_id, "green"), "\n") except FileNotFoundError: print("No fitlog records here.") else: print(_colored_string('Not in a fitlog directory', 'red'))
[文档] def fitlog_revert(self, commit_id: str, run_file_path: str = None, id_suffix: bool = False) -> Info: """fitlog 调用此接口进行版本回退 :param commit_id: 需要回退版本的 commit-id :param run_file_path: 执行文件的路径 :param id_suffix: 回退版本的放置文件夹是否包含 commit-id 做为后缀 :return: 返回带状态码的信息。如果成功,信息为回退版本的放置路径 """ if self.work_dir is None: info = self.get_config(run_file_path) if info['status'] == 1: return info return self._revert(commit_id, id_suffix=id_suffix, cli=False)